Monday, September 30, 2019

Gun Control in Canada

A national conversation on gun control in Canada has instigated the demand for stricter government control of weapons. Canadians have a strong belief in the established practice of â€Å"peace, order and good government†. Our nation is culturally conditioned with the general cultural norm of non-violence. However, with recent news on the increase of gun violence happening in the country, the need to tighten the guidelines on the use of guns is an urgent matter. Recently, the mayors in Toronto and Montreal have asked the federal government to put in place a ban on handguns and assault weapons, and many people are in support of this concept. However, with close ties and the sharing of a border with the United States, the problem of banning guns would not completely go away. The problem with gun control is that these guns can conveniently be smuggled into the country. Either that, or owners with registered guns may legally sell these weapons to people who cannot purchase guns, hence enabling them to use the weapons for criminal purposes. Furthermore, we see the idea of strong regionalism with an urban-rural divide in the country. People living in these rural areas would be more concerned with the ban of these weapons, mainly because the use of their weapons is for hunting purposes. Certain parts in Canada have strong regionalism due to how gun policy is constructed in that area. For example, if we look at Alberta, the province is more open to the ownership of guns, hence a cultural approach to the issue. A potential solution to the problem of gun violence would be to implement a multi-layered system that filters out anyone that may pose a threat to society. The government should place a restriction on gun sales via a program that controls and tracks the number of guns and holds the owner responsible for any damages caused by the weapon. Background checks and criminal record history should be verified for every individual that wants to purchase a gun. Doing so will ensure civilians that their right to own a weapon is not under threat as long as they accept responsibility/hold themselves liable for whatever danger may come through their property (weapon). This way, guns will not be owned by people with a potential of abusing them, so the person is less likely to use it for the wrong reasons. When compared to the United States, where you can buy guns without any background check, this solution should prove to be much more effective. Lastly, to maintain integrity of these policies, a series of checks should be set in place to ensure the weapon is not being sold privately. A suggestion is a weapons check-in system. Gun owners would get a safety check every few years to make sure they still own and are maintaining their weapons. This will ensure that the weapon is being accounted for and has not been sold. It would be a better way to track firearms, which in return, would help in the reduction of gun crimes. In addition, the owner of the gun would be required to renew their license and ensure that their weapon has not been sold without a record. If the following measures are taken, I am certain gun violence may be minimized.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family Life Can Create Considerable Stress

How do know? Well let's just say experience has the best of me on this one. For example, the relationship with my parents I think broke my heart more than it did theirs. Although they weren't married, so I didn't experience the process of a divorced family they still separated. I was about four and lots of people don't remember that much when you're that young, but I did. I remember the bond me and my father shared, we were inseparable. Remember the bond me and my dad's mom had, she was my nana felt her love no matter where was. Subsequently my mother took me and left.That was family and she left without a problem. Was devastated, growing up that never left my mind, and how easy it was for her to just, leave. I let the stress build thinking of growing up without a father just got to me. Now I didn't go through divorce papers, courts and custody battles I could imagine that's a whole lot worse than what my situation was. But do know the feeling of separated parents, I do know how it f eels to think about having that family where everything was normal and you had them tot by your side, in one place you can really call home.Now being with divorced or separated parents is stressful just think you don't want to choose sides you love them both. They both love you as well, that why they've set up this arrangement so you can switch every weekend, summer and/or holiday. There's a plus you can have two rooms, two birthdays and so forth. On the contrary you have to deal with step parents, step siblings arguments with who gets you on Christmas day or who can keep you an extra day longer. The stress is just overwhelming don't you think?You love them both, so you don't want to say no to them, you don't want them thinking you are choosing sides, one over the other so what do you do. Then you have friends to deal with at both places and depending on how far apart your parents live from each other. Your friends at your dads are going bowling one weekend and your friends at your moms are going to the movies that same weekend and now you have to choose who you want to hang out with. Its just stressful. All they want is you, and all you want is stability.One home, one family, one life. Now there are those situations where you don't have two rooms, you don't have to deal with both parents and all the arguments and what not. You just have to deal with one parent. That sounds whole lot less stressful right? It can be, but then there are those people who aren't as fortunate as others. People who let their stress override them and their parent wasn't there to help. The type of residence you grow up in is critical to the process of a child who has divorced parents or only one parent.If no one is there for them and they onto know where to turn to the world we live in today can provide them with lots of things to turn to. All it takes is hanging with the wrong crowd. For instance I only had my mother and due to the fact that she was never home had no one to turn to, so started hanging out in the streets. One thing led to another and there was every day, every night in the street up to no good with the wrong people not going to school, fighting, doing drugs, drinking stealing and so much more that I know I will regret for the rest of my life.All of the drugs, drinking and fighting made me think it took the stress away it eloped me forget until was sober again, but that just gave me more of reason to do it more. This went on for about four years. While I thought it was taking the stress away it was really putting on more stress, if I didn't have what I needed to take the stress away I stressed about it, looking for whatever would take it all away. Now I'm not saying this is exactly what will happen everyone has their different ways of coping with things and it all just depends on what's in front of you at the moment. Its also about who you turn to.Whether they are there for you or for themselves. Not everyone can relate, but you would be surprise d on how many people do relate. Its tough when you don't have the proper people to turn to, or you have all of the bad choices sitting right in front of you. So much pressure, so much stress, it will never stop no matter how many times you tell yourself you got this, you can do it, it just won't stop. The stress just overwhelms you. But you can fight it, you know the bad choices the stress, you can override it, and all you need to do is talk to someone or have someone give you that push you need.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

WIA, Education, technical personel regulations Research Paper

WIA, Education, technical personel regulations - Research Paper Example Employees should, therefore, be retrained and encouraged to take up training geared toward their career advancements and the country’s economic stability. Employee retraining shifts the focus from the business to the development of the employee and addresses issues of low skilled workers and the demand for more labour in a particular industry. Employee retraining addresses the need for matching employee skills with technological advancements and industry needs. Employee retraining in America has been the sole responsibility of the federal government for over a century. However the rapid growth of the economy at the turn of the 21st century made it necessary for employers to come up with programmes that would not only help them retain their workforce but also equip them to cope in the changing business world. The Workforce Investment Act was introduced in 1998 and led to the creation of Workforce Investments Boards that focused on the development of workers across America (Perkins, 1998). The Workforce Investments Act of 1998 was put in place of the Job Training Partnership Act and was instituted to encourage the participation of businesses in the delivery of Workforce Development Services. The requirements of the act were to be driven by Workforce Investment Boards, which were chaired by the local community or members from the private sector. Work force Development was then divided into sector based and place based. It was further categorized into statewide and local workforce investments systems, job corps and national programs. Other acts also demand that employers train their employees on various areas to cover those protected by regulations like the Tittle VII of the Civil Rights Act on race, color, nationality, and religion. Employers are further forced to invest in employee retraining through federal laws that stipulate that the employee get a given number of hours of training in some industries. In the aviation industry for

Friday, September 27, 2019

Suicide in our communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Suicide in our communities - Essay Example It has been seen that the youth within the United States is a direct or indirect stakeholder within the bullying regimes. When bullying happens, there is bound to be serious problems for everyone. The one who does these bully acts is also someone who creates an issue for others. This leads into someone carrying out a heinous act and commit suicide. How bullying and bad grades have posed as a serious problem within the US schools, colleges and universities is an alarming scenario overall. This is because with the advent of time one can witness the spate of incidents that have increased and which seem to leave a lasting impression on the minds of the people, and that too for all the wrong reasons. The need is to understand where problems lie and how to counter them within quantifiable proportions. If this happens, anomalies would reduce drastically. The reason why bullying has taken on the front seat is because there are students who have resorted to violent behaviors as they are being constantly treated in a shabby way. If this is not the case, bad grades come up and destroy their mental peace which again is a source of immense agony. When the youth understands that there is no other alternative than to commit suicide and get free from the worldly pressures, then it does not think much. Either this youth wants to kill others around him and then die their own self or just plainly commit suicide. The manner in which these severe attempts come about are also a factor that need to be understood within proper contexts. What this suggests is the fact that the school authorities and the law making bodies have their work cut out. They need to think from the common student’s perspective and thus devise a way under which bullying is discouraged and receiving bad grades does not mean the end of the world. There has to be a beginning somewhere in the future to suggest that all is not that bad that one should commit suicide and bring

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Internet safety & appropriate use of digital technology Essay

Internet safety & appropriate use of digital technology - Essay Example It goes without a word that the societies have become a global village, with the support of the vast technologies that allow people to socialize, share, create, and manipulate available digital information and images across the globe. These substantial benefits in the current digital age have however, propelled numerous irregularities ranging from illegal to unethical conducts, such as unauthorized copying and reproduction of copyrighted works, cyber and computer crimes, irresponsible postings of online contents, invasion of privacy, and unsafe use of the digital information and technology (James et al, 2009). To avoid and prevent all those factors, while promoting effective use of the technology, the society (both adults and the young generation) needs adequate information to guide them on what can and cannot do. Using Copyrighted Work Technology through the use of binary digits has enabled production of replicas of original works of authors. Because the modern computers are very ad vanced, people and especially students find it very easy to locate written materials and copy them in their assignments, or compile them as reports of their work. Very genuinely, some do not have the idea behind the copyright law and the penalties associated; but others have overlooked the legitimacy of the copyright protections, to accomplish their activities at the expense of the others (authors). According to Popek, copyrights protections exist where a work has been created (whether, music, artwork, written books, magazines, films, and software among others) by an author and demonstrates his or her creativity, besides having being recorded and proved to be original; as such, copyright law makes it legal to sue any persons or companies for criminal charges, if they acted against the author’s wish (which could be unauthorized copying, creating replicas, sharing or viewing on other grounds) (2011). All the published works are always protected by the copyright law, and unless the author authorizes certain activities, the people accessing the copyrighted work are bound to use it according to what the law specifies. It therefore becomes important to acknowledge the author when documenting one’s work, if at all there exists a replica of a part or the whole of the copyrighted work. An original work is someone’s intellectual property; hence the society is obliged to respect that and access the services through a legal process, such as buying and using the legal opportunities provided by the author of the work, otherwise if law is enforced, the violations are harshly charged for the crime. The people, especially students and those who deal with documentations need to refer their borrowed ideas and quotations to the authors of the published work, in appreciation and with respect to the law. It saves them from engaging in plagiarism and directs them towards building their own original work with authenticity. Safe use of the technologies is a matter of self-discipline to behave as supposed, whether being observed or not. Knowing that, students with advanced technological devices, such as enabled cameras and internets in their smart phones can avoid cheating and plagiarism, because even available systems can detect copies of published work. Privacy Dealing with information technology

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

French commentators often see in 'republican values' a universal path Essay

French commentators often see in 'republican values' a universal path towards modernity. Define these values in the french context and comment - Essay Example Although it was often called into question, it finally established itself under the Third Republic6. It was written into the 1958 Constitution7 and is part nowadays of the French national heritage. Linked by Fà ©nelon8 at the end of the 17th century, the notions of liberty, equality and fraternity became more widespread during the Age of Enlightenment. At the time of the French Revolution, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was one of the many mottoes in use. In December 1790, Robespierre9 advocated in a speech on the organization of the National Guards10 that the words "The French People" and "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" be written on uniforms and flags, but his proposal was rejected. From 1793 onwards, Parisians, soon to be imitated by the inhabitants of other cities, painted the following words on the faà §ades of their houses: "Unity, indivisibility of the Republic; liberty, equality or death". But they were soon asked to erase the phrases final part as it was too closely associated with the Terror... 11 This motto fell into disuse under the Empire, like many revolutionary symbols. It reappeared during the Revolution of 184812 marked with a religious dimension: priests celebrated the "Christ-Fraternità ©" and blessed the trees of liberty that were planted at the time. When the Constitution of 1848 was drafted, the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was defined as a "principle" of the Republic. Discarded under the Second Empire13, this motto finally established itself under the Third Republic, although some people still objected to it, including partisans of the Republic: solidarity was sometimes preferred to equality which implies a levelling of society, and the Christian connotation of fraternity was not accepted by everyone. This motto was inscribed again on the pediments of public buildings on the occasion of the celebration of 14 July 1880. It

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trade Area Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trade Area Analysis - Essay Example The site selected should also be strategic and make accessibility of other utilities like energy easy. Closeness of a business to the market is also an important factor to consider as this will ensure good accessibility of the commodities by the customers. A good site will lead to the success of the business. There are several factors that one should consider in order to come up with the best site of the business to be started. The main factor to take into consideration is the kind of business venture that one wants to start. The site selected should favor the efficient production activities like the good transport of goods in and out of the business premises. The production costs should be minimized and this will lead to the success of the business. The accessibility of the business premises is vital due to the transportation of the goods to the customers. According to Gitry (1996), the selected site should be easily accessible to both the buyers and suppliers (Norton, 2011). In Tor onto area, transport has been well established for the accessibility of the new stores to be set. Before selecting the best site, it is advisable to look at the transport means available in the area. There are good roads in Toronto area and this favors the flow of goods in and out of the stores in Toronto area. The good roads in the area are vital in the transportation of goods out of the stores in the region to the customers. The transport also ensures the accessibility of the stores by the employees in the region. This ensures the employees get to their places of work on time. For transportation purposes, one of the best sites to set a new store in Toronto area is along the Wilson Avenue. This site is best due to a number of factors the main one being the good transport network around the area. The good transport network will favor the flow of goods in and out of the new store to be set. This will ensure the goods reach the customers on time and inn then right condition. The good transport in the region can act as a good attraction factor to potential customers in the area. This is because the good roads make the site selected accessible to many buyers in the region. This will increase the revenues and lead to expansion of the stores. The good transport also favors the accessibility of the public utilities like the banks. This will favor the flow of business activities in the region. The accessibility of the stores is also vital in case of an emergency like fire outbreak. The good transport will ensure that emergency services reach the stores on time to avoid huge losses in case of an emergency (Glenn, 2009, pg 118). Population an area is another important factor that one should consider when coming up with a business site. Customers should be in plenty in the area selected. Thus a densely populated area is a good site to choose as customers will be available to buy the goods in the stores. In Toronto area, there are some regions that are suitable to set up new stores because they have a considerably high population (Norton, 2011). The big population will create a good pool of labor hence smooth flow of activities in the stores. The high population will also ensure there is a good number of a potential customer to purchase goods from the stores. This will ensure a continuous flow of activitie

Monday, September 23, 2019

Letter of Intent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Letter of Intent - Essay Example sode has really defined my career in financial services for last 11 years in various functions including programming, analytics, portfolio management, risk management, and investment advisory where I have always strived to apply my profound academic knowledge. At BNY Mellon Asset Management, I work for Investment Strategy and Solutions group. My role traditionally has been portfolio management, portfolio construction, strategic and tactical asset allocation for multi-asset strategies. Very recently, I had an opportunity to work on an investment research topic on investing in emerging markets. I was the primary contributor to the research as well as the co-author of the subsequent publication on thematic investing in emerging markets. The topic pertains to creating better building blocks for investing. My proven ability for investment research rekindled in me, the desire to reconnect with academia. I therefore, took this unique opportunity provided for executive PhD at EDHEC-Risk Institute to research to solve the gravest problems the investment industry is currently facing in times of financial crisis. This is more important considering that pension plans are underfunded, employees that are more recent are left stranded without proper ret irement solutions, developed countries are debt laden and have aging demographics. Developing countries, on the other hand, have significant human capital, resources and surplus they are looking for answers to tug of war between liquidity and reserve needs and long-term welfare planning, while fulfilling their investment objectives. In my current role as an asset allocation strategist, I have been posed with several institutional investment challenges that have, usually, required a distinct client oriented solution. I recently attended Advances in Asset Allocation conference offered by EDHEC-Risk Institute. I really liked how Dr. Martellini summarized all aspects of latest developments in portfolio construction, strategic and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Account for plagiarism in universities in English speaking countries Essay

Account for plagiarism in universities in English speaking countries - Essay Example Plagiarism is referred to as copying other people’s ideas or words without giving proper reference or credit. It is just a part of overall cheating problem.Subjective evidence and few researches reveal that cheating among students is much more widespread than it is usually acknowledged. In 2009-10, as much as 17,000 students in more than 80 universities were recorded by universities as involved in plagiarizing. Nowadays, Plagiarism has become a growing concern for universities. A large number of universities spend thousands of dollars in purchasing expensive plagiarism detector software so as to determine the percentage of plagiarism in an assignment. In order to overcome cost, many universities do not check plagiarism of every assignment since there are thousands of students with dozens of courses each year. Therefore, they prefer in checking plagiarism of the most important assignments, dissertations and research papers only. The availability of all type of information over internet has made plagiarism easier than ever before. Copying and pasting entire essays or few paragraphs from internet can be done in just few mouse clicks. Plagiarism is more common among university students since they face unanticipated pressures of deadlines. There are certain reasons which account for plagiarism in university students in English speaking countries. Some of them are briefly mentioned below. Ignorance Countries other than United States may have taught different conventions and rules to their students, which differentiate from that of American Academy. Others merely might not know how to paraphrase appropriately or they might believe that as long as they are providing references and inserting in-text citations, then it is acceptable to use the same language as mentioned in the source from where they are copying. One of the methods to fight ignorance is to teach students in class regarding the convention of academic citations. It can be done by discussing about pla giarism in class, guiding students to the websites of writing centers and handing them out different material related to plagiarism. Writing difficulty Due to lack of interest in studies, many students do not participate in class work and home work. By doing so, they soon lose confidence in their writing skills and abilities. They feel that they are deprived of creative and good ideas as well as academic writing skills. Such students usually confront writer’s block when they are facing the blank page. Since they lack confidence in their own writing abilities, they feel they would not be getting good marks. Therefore, they tend to copy their assignment from other credible sources. Anxiety Anxiety can result from many causes. Some of them include tensions at jobs, anxiety about writing, being overloaded with too many assignments, certain issues at home, not completely understanding the assignment questions etc. Such anxiety arise sense of laziness and carelessness among student s. Since they cannot escape the given assignments, therefore they tend to find relevant answers on internet and copy and paste those answers into their assignments as their own words. Careless note-taking Many students do not pay attention in class and avoid note-taking of class lectures. Making notes of regular lectures can minimize the trouble of writing assignment, since they would have necessary points written in their notebooks with the help of which, they can prepare their assignments. Many students do not write notes while being in the class and therefore, when an assignment is given to them, they plagiarize. Lack of perceived consequences If a large number of students are cheating, then it also affects other students who are preparing their assignments by themselves. Such students feel discouraged since they are putting too much effort into their homework while others aren’t. Even worse, the students who plagiarize get good marks than those who are working hard on the ir assignments without

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The International Civil Servant in Law and in Fact Essay Example for Free

The International Civil Servant in Law and in Fact Essay Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article presents an issue that is of great significance to all nations. It notes a statement made by Chairman Krushchev, which states, while there are neutral countries, there are no neutral men. This statement seems to challenge the stability of international permanent organs, such as the League of Nations and the United Nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article traces the history of the institution called as international civil service, and recalls that the Covenant of the League of Nations did not originally contemplate a Secretariat of an international character. Thus, there was, initially, a need to hire people from different nations in order to secure that interests of such nations are represented in the body and that no one nation could have a monopoly in providing material to the international body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first Secretary-General of the League, Sir Eric Drummond, first expressed the principle of an international secretariat. For him, those men and women to be appointed by the Secretary-General should be carefully selected, because upon assumption to power, they would no longer represent the respective countries of which they were citizens; rather, they would become international civil servants. Their duties would already be international in character, and they become the servants of the League of Nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International civil service is characterized by three major ideas. First, it has an international composition. Second, international civil servants have international responsibilities. Third, the international Secretariat is an administrative organ that must avoid partisanship. Similar to the concept of civil service in United Kingdom, the civil servant is a neutral officer, who must be separate and distinct from another officer who is authorized to make the political decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another relevant characteristic of the international civil service is independence. This characteristic, together with international responsibility, bars an international civil servant from receiving instructions from a State. Conversely, states and governments are enjoined to respect such independence and international responsibility of the Secretariat. These principles, which have been mostly founded on the experience of the League of Nations, found expression in various provisions of the UN Charter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These principles have not been easy to maintain. Article 99 of the UN Charter had caused quite a stir when it opened the door towards the exercise of political discretion by the Secretary-General, contrary to the long settled nature of his power as purely administrative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The problem with the nature of the power of the Secretary-General arose with the inclusion of new provisions in the Charter of the United Nations that have broken away from the principles set forth in the Covenant of the League of Nations. One such provision can be found in Article 97 of the Charter, which places the Secretary-General to the position of â€Å"chief administrative officer of the Organization.† This provision is a big leap for the Charter, as this station had not been expressly provided in the Covenant. If at all, the office of the Secretary-General rested on implied grant of powers, and not as explicit as Article 97. Thus, this provision mandated that the Secretary-General administer the Organization; this removed the discretion of the principal organs to merely delegate such power to the Secretary-General.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Other original provisions of the Charter are found in Articles 98 and 99. Far from the questions raised by Article 97, these provisions put the very nature of the office of the Secretary-General to controversy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Article 98 mandates that the Secretary-General shall act in such capacity during the meetings of the organs. However, it adds that he â€Å"shall perform such other functions as are entrusted to him by these organs.† This provision clearly allows the organs to delegate some of their functions to the Secretary-General, which functions, in all likelihood, would be political in nature. This provision therefore opens the door to the acquisition of a political role by the Secretary-General.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Article 99 then opens the floodgates to more controversial issues. This provision allows the Secretary-General to bring matters to the attention of the Security Council. More importantly, it gives the Secretary-General the power to â€Å"conduct inquiries and engage in informal diplomatic activity in regard to matters which ‘may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.’†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such discretionary powers certainly convert the nature of the office of the Secretary-General from a neutral administrative office to a political one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite these developments, it is believed that the post of the Secretary-General remains a neutral one, provided that neutrality is defined as freedom from the influence of national interests and pressures. The conflict is therefore reconciled by viewing the political powers of the Secretary-General as having an international, and not a national, basis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Other conflicts, such as the inevitable effect of national interest on the appointed staff of the Secretary-General likewise arose to test the neutrality of the Secretariat. Nevertheless, history proved that the United Nations succeeded in keeping its civil servants responsible to the Organization alone and not to their respective nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The international civil servant sure has a lot resting on his shoulders. He is expected to remain unaffected by national pressures. He must make sure that sympathies and antipathies do not cloud his judgment. Thus, his only standard when performing his duties is whether his actions are guided by the goals and rules set by the Organization he serves. Questions and Discussions: What is the issue discussed in the article?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article discussed the issue of neutrality of the office of the Secretary-General. It discussed the development of the position from the time it was conceptualized in the Covenant of the League of Nations up to the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article discussed how the recent additions to the UN Charter affected the initially neutral and solely administrative function of the Secretary-General. The article likewise discussed how the seeming contradiction can be reconciled so that the provisions of the Charter would not contradict each other. How does the UN Charter maintain the neutrality of international civil servants?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The UN Charter mandates that appointees of the Secretary-General become internationally responsible officials to the Organization, and no longer to their respective countries.   The Charter recognizes that international civil servants should not be neuters who are unaware and apathetic of the concerns of their nations; however, the Charter demands that such concerns be disregarded when the international civil servant acts in the performance of his office. References Hammarskjold, D. (1961). The International Civil Servant in Law and in Fact.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Model For Recovery The Tidal Model Social Work Essay

A Model For Recovery The Tidal Model Social Work Essay My family have used mental health services for three generations. I experienced my first hypo-manic episode in 1981 when I was writing up my doctoral thesis. During the past twenty-four years I have had sixteen episodes that have led to hospitalisation. I first met Professor Phil Barker in 1983 when he had just taken up the Chair of Psychiatric Nursing Practice at Newcastle University and I had just launched myself as a User Consultant under the name of Section 36. During his ten years in Newcastle we worked on several projects and spent many hours sharing our views on user empowerment, self-management and recovery. I felt privileged when he asked me to comment on the Tidal Model in its early stages. I feel equally privileged and delighted to speak about the Model today. Phil and Poppy Buchanan-Barker co-wrote this Guide on the Tidal Model for Mental Health Professionals. They have asked me to consider whether or not the Tidal Model helps service users on their recovery journey. I will do this largely by reading quotations taken directly from the book. Before we can do this I feel it necessary to look at the meanings of recovery. Elements of Recovery The Chambers 20th Century Dictionary definition of recover is to cure. In the context of mental health recovery is generally not accepted as being synonymous with cure. From her work with service users Repper observed that: Recovery does not mean that all suffering has disappeared, or that all symptoms have been removed, or that functioning has been restored. Pat Deegan, a clinical psychologist with a late childhood-diagnosis of schizophrenia recognized recovery is not a cure but sees no reason for despair. Being in recovery means I know I have certain limitations and things I cant do. But rather than letting these limitations be an occasion for despair and giving up, I have learned that in knowing what I cant do, I also open up all the possibilities of all I can do. Acceptance is a key factor in the recovery process. Again, Pat Deegan notes: †¦ an ever-deepening acceptance of our limitations. But now, rather than being an occasion for despair, we find our personal limitations are the ground from which spring our own unique possibilities. This is the paradox of recovery†¦that in accepting what we cannot do or be we discover what we can be and what we can do †¦ recovery is a process. It is a way of life. It is an attitude and a way of approaching the days challenges. Simon Champ, a prominent Australian mental health activist, also views recovery as a lifelong process which requires important changes in self : I have come to see that you do not simply patch up the self you were before developing schizophrenia, but that you have to actually recreate a concept of who you are that integrates the experience of schizophrenia. Real recovery is far from a simple matter of accepting diagnosis and learning facts about the illness and medication. Instead, it is a deep searching and questioning. A journey through unfamiliar feelings, to embrace new concepts and a wider view of self. It is not an event but a process. For many, I believe it is a lifelong journey. Despite painful times Anthony believes that we should always be hopeful as the recovery period brings with it periods of personal growth. Recovery is described as a deeply personal, unique process of changing ones attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life, even with limitations caused by the illness. Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in ones life as one grows beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness. The Tidal Model In my view, hospitalisation is a form of containment rather than a therapeutic process. Service users are expected to entertain themselves by talking amongst themselves, watching television, sitting in the smoking room, playing pool or attending occupational therapy. Mental health nurses need to break out of the mechanistic routine, which restricts their dialogue with service users. When the Tidal Model is in use, each service user undergoes a holistic assessment with a specially trained mental health nurse. All experiences are accepted as true and not dismissed as hallucinations (for example). The mental health nurse discusses with the service user what the person feels may have caused their admission and what they feel they need to do to address these problems. Every service user receives a copy of their assessment, which is recorded in their own words. This process helps to build up trust between the service user and the mental health nurse. They form a partnership whereby the nurse supports the service user through the recovery process. The emphasis is on caring with rather than caring for. The attitudes, beliefs and expressed needs of the service user are accepted at each stage of the recovery process. The user knows that the advice of the nurse may not necessarily be accepted. The persons story lies at the heart of the Tidal Model†¦..The Tidal Model is a philosophical approach to the recovery or discovery of mental health. It is not a treatment model, which implies that something needs to be done to change the person. Instead the Tidal Model assumes that the person is already changing, albeit in small and subtle ways†¦.In the Tidal Model water is used as the core metaphor. Following the Holistic Assessment the service user enters into a period of Individual Care and Group Care. One to one Individual Care sessions are arranged on a daily basis. , The process of Individual Care involves developing a collaborative relationship within which the person can begin to develop awareness of the resources that (s)he currently possesses, which might be used to address the problem of living; what additional resources (support) might be needed; and what needs to happen next, to begin to move off on the recovery journey. Three forms of group work provide a supportive social structure for the Individual Care: The Discovery Group The Information Group The Solutions Group The Discovery Group brings together service users to discuss a set of pre-prepared questions that aim to generate simple reflection and light-hearted as well as meaningful conversation. Two members of the professional team normally lead the Discovery Group, but over time group participants may take turns in leading the session. The Discovery Group therefore aims to provide a setting within which people might experience a boost to their self-esteem, reclaiming in the process some of the personhood that has been lost, either as a function of the experience of mental ill-health, or of the experience of psychiatric care and treatment, or both. The Discovery Group provides an opportunity within which members may reclaim and develop further their ability to share with others, on a simple yet mutually rewarding basis, through simple question and answer sessions. The Information Group aims to provide practical advice to people about services they are presently using, or services that they might consider using. This advice is delivered in plain language, preferably in an entertaining, interesting or otherwise accessible way. Francis Bacons dictum that knowledge itself is power is the primary motivation behind the Information Group. Without knowledge we are not only ignorant, but also powerless. The people who lead the Information Group should have in-depth knowledge of specific topic areas who can comfortably answer intelligent and searching questions from people in care and perhaps also staff members. There are an infinite number of possible topics for the Information Group, but experience of the Tidal Model projects around the world suggests that the following are most popular: Medication Current care and treatment Psychotherapy and counselling Nutrition and well-being Social security benefits Community supports Specialist mutual support groups Housing and supported accommodation. The potential contribution to Information Groups that might be made by user/consumer-advocates, psychiatric survivors, or others who have navigated the recovery journey, is inestimable. Apart from special knowledge of the recovery journey, such people come carrying a huge beacon of hope. Their very presence signals the possibility of recovery, but also frames this within a realistic storyline. The Tidal Model emphasises the necessary search for solutions. Given that the problems of living which people experience determines the need for help, both lay and professional, it follows that we should be focused on solutions to these problems. However, unlike some other therapy models or treatment systems, we do not believe that the professionals have the answers to the persons problems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the Tidal Model needs to be tailored to suit every person in the programme. Everyone needs a theory of their own to explain how they got there, and how they might move off again, back onto the ocean of experience. So the pragmatic focus on finding solutions is carried over into the work of the Solutions Group. The Solutions Group is part of the heavy work of care-helping people to learn more about themselves and their problems and instilling hope in the recovery process. The Solutions Group is highly practical and focuses on conversations about change that is already taking place within individual members. What subtle examples of change is the person already becoming aware of? Alternatively the group will focus on conversations about what change might be like; how participants will know change when they encounter it. The Tidal Model focuses upon the unison between the service user and the professional helper. However †¦..the Tidal Model is an anti-professional approach to mental health care . It does not believe that there is special knowledge concerning mental health, known only to the professional, that can bring about the resolution of serious problems of human living, or speed the persons recovery. The Tidal Model proposes that only the person can ever own such knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..However, the person needs the sophisticated support to plan and execute the process of recovery. Finally the book offers us Ten Commitments which distil the essence of the practice of the Tidal Model. Value the voice: the persons story is the beginning and endpoint of the whole helping encounter. The persons story embraces not only the account of the persons distress, but also the hope for its resolution. This is the voice of experience. We need to guard it well, as the voice begins to help the person to make her or himself anew. There is no doubt in my mind that the Tidal Model promotes the process of recovery. The key features that set it aside from other models are: It is based on the personal stories of service users. It is based on caring with rather than caring for. It is a holistic model of care. It recognises that knowledge is power. It focuses upon solutions rather than problems. It promotes self-management and empowerment. It promotes the concept of therapeutic experience rather than containment. In this sense, the Tidal Model is truly groundbreaking.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

What inspires you? :: essays research papers

What inspires you?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have two things that inspire me in my life. One of them is my parents especially my mother, the other is the accident of my dad ¡Ã‚ ¯s company occurred in recent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will talk about the accident happened in March of this year. I live in States but my parents live in Korea. Only way we contact is using phone, or I visit them for every summer and winter vacation. If they don ¡Ã‚ ¯t tell me what is going on in our family there is no way to figure out that when I am in States. When I got home for this summer vacation, my dad asked me to come home early one day and he said that there is a serious thing that he wanted to talk to me. I had no clue what was going on. He said that there was a fire broken out in his factory. He owns huge furniture factory and he is C.E.O of this company. The biggest storage of his plant was gone because of the fire. It was about 1.8 million dollars worth, and it ¡Ã‚ ¯s gone now. People said that it was on the TV and newspaper for 3 days as a big tragedy. I visited there and I saw people working there to build new one again. The first problem he got was the loss of his assets and the second one was that he was getting too much of stress from that. I always got my personal expenses from my dad during vacation, but I just decided to work and make money. I know it is hard since I am taking 10 credits of summer courses during whole summer vacation. I strongly felt that I need to do something for my dad. So I applied one of the biggest accounting corporation in Korea, I got accepted as intern. It ¡Ã‚ ¯s been a little bit more than a month I ¡Ã‚ ¯ve been working, but the problem is that I only get 3hours sleep except the weekend. After I get home from work I eat dinner and start my homework and quizzes for my summer courses then I can go to sleep at around 3 or 4 o ¡Ã‚ ¯clock in the morning. I get really tired physically and mentally but when I think about what my dad was suffering from the accident it is nothing. I started thinking in positive way that this is good opportunity to overcome the suffer in my life. What inspires you? :: essays research papers What inspires you?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have two things that inspire me in my life. One of them is my parents especially my mother, the other is the accident of my dad ¡Ã‚ ¯s company occurred in recent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will talk about the accident happened in March of this year. I live in States but my parents live in Korea. Only way we contact is using phone, or I visit them for every summer and winter vacation. If they don ¡Ã‚ ¯t tell me what is going on in our family there is no way to figure out that when I am in States. When I got home for this summer vacation, my dad asked me to come home early one day and he said that there is a serious thing that he wanted to talk to me. I had no clue what was going on. He said that there was a fire broken out in his factory. He owns huge furniture factory and he is C.E.O of this company. The biggest storage of his plant was gone because of the fire. It was about 1.8 million dollars worth, and it ¡Ã‚ ¯s gone now. People said that it was on the TV and newspaper for 3 days as a big tragedy. I visited there and I saw people working there to build new one again. The first problem he got was the loss of his assets and the second one was that he was getting too much of stress from that. I always got my personal expenses from my dad during vacation, but I just decided to work and make money. I know it is hard since I am taking 10 credits of summer courses during whole summer vacation. I strongly felt that I need to do something for my dad. So I applied one of the biggest accounting corporation in Korea, I got accepted as intern. It ¡Ã‚ ¯s been a little bit more than a month I ¡Ã‚ ¯ve been working, but the problem is that I only get 3hours sleep except the weekend. After I get home from work I eat dinner and start my homework and quizzes for my summer courses then I can go to sleep at around 3 or 4 o ¡Ã‚ ¯clock in the morning. I get really tired physically and mentally but when I think about what my dad was suffering from the accident it is nothing. I started thinking in positive way that this is good opportunity to overcome the suffer in my life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jewish Perceptions of Jesus Christ Essay -- Judaism Christianity Chris

Jewish Perceptions of Jesus Christ Christianity and Judaism are major world religions which, though they worship the same God, have marked differences which have caused two thousand years of strife and animosity between the two religions. In his book We Jews and Jesus, Samuel Sandmel likens the link between Judaism and Christianity to a type of parent-child relationship, saying, â€Å"Early Christianity was a Judaism; within a century after the death of Jesus it was a separate religion. It was critical of its parent, and hostile to it, and elicited from its parent reciprocal criticism and hostility.†1 Opposing views of Jesus Christ caused the initial rift between Judaism and Christianity and is the primary source of the tension between the two religions which has continued for the last two millennia. Therefore, in order to understand how Judaism and Christianity relate to one another, it is essential to understand the way Jesus is perceived in each religion. The way that Christians view Jesus is quite well known, but Judaism’s view of him is much lesser known, so it is important to explore Judaism’s perceptions of Jesus, beginning with New Testament times, and to examine the ways in which these feelings and opinions have changed over time. Although the New Testament is the main source of information regarding Jesus’ life, Jews often disregard it as a reliable source of information. It was not written until two to three generations after Jesus, hence it cannot be considered a primary source. Also, from a Jewish perspective, the aim of the Gospels is not to give an accurate account of Jesus’ life and teachings; the Gospels served as missionary documents containing accounts recorded by biased evangelists. They reflect the aims of the church rather than actual facts, and their writers were more concerned with the advancement of Christianity than the transmission of factual historical information. For these reasons, it is impossible to separate the historical Jesus from the divine Christ presented in the Gospels, and Judaism regards the Gospels as unreliable and irrational. It is not known exactly when Jesus was born, but according to the Christian calender, his birth year was circa 4 B.C. Christmas, the day of Christ’s birth, is celebrated by Christians on December 25, but the actual day and month of his birth are unknown. Rachel Zurer, a followe... ...-40. 42. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 102. 43. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 102. 44. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 115. 45. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 106. 46. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 106. 47. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 117. 48. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 109-110. 49. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 102. 50. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 110-111. 51. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 110, 112. 52. Votaw, C.W., "The Modern Jewish View of Jesus." The Biblical World, 1905. 26(2): p. 102, 114. 53. Sandmel, S., in We Jews and Jesus. 1965, Oxford University Press: New York. p. 47.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview Essay -- Analysis,

Al-Mosaed, Nora F. "Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview." Journal of the Social Sciences 31.3 (2003): 707-729. Sociological Abstracts. Print. Nora Al-Mosaed’s â€Å"Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview† argues that sexism and unequal treatment towards women in a patriarchal society negatively impacts the behavior and relationship between mothers and daughters. Al-Mosaed describes a study conducted where 173 female college students were questioned about their relationships with their mothers; of the most notable information collected, married daughters reported having a better relationship with their mothers while divorced daughters cited a much more negative relationship with their mothers, and all daughters reported being devalued when compared to their brothers. It is important to note that the women who participated in this study were daughters of Saudi families, which may suggest the effects of the patriarchal society on the mother-daughter relationship. Al-Mosaed’s article was interestingly refreshing because of its focus on daughters in Saudi families; the author’s research is highly relevant to my chosen topic in that it examines what strengthens and deteriorates the relationship between mother and daughter (in the case of this study, it was suggested that the deterioration stemmed from the overwhelmingly patriarchal society in which they lived) and takes into perspective a culture not often represented in literature about communities of women. Boyd, Carol J. "Mothers and Daughters: A Discussion of Theory and Research." Journal of Marriage and Family 51.2 (1989): 291-301. JSTOR. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. In â€Å"Mothers and Daughters: A Discussion of Theory and Research†, Carol Boyd... each item with the historical happenings of each time period, with a particular interest in the feminist spectrum. Included topics of study are ‘mother blame,’ domestic expectations, maternal sacrifice, ‘feminine containment’, and more (Walters). Suzanna Walters wrote insightfully and intelligently about the various condemning ways that mothers and daughters have been viewed in popular media for more than sixty years. I found this text to be extremely helpful in that I gained knowledge in the many ways that society’s sexism was/is portrayed in various popular media outlets; the pressure laid on mothers and daughters was/is excruciating and, as displayed in many of the films, resulted in general unhappiness for women. I believe this text will prove to be extremely helpful in evaluating mother/daughter relationships as related in history and in the media. Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview Essay -- Analysis, Al-Mosaed, Nora F. "Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview." Journal of the Social Sciences 31.3 (2003): 707-729. Sociological Abstracts. Print. Nora Al-Mosaed’s â€Å"Mother-Daughter Relationships: A Feminist Overview† argues that sexism and unequal treatment towards women in a patriarchal society negatively impacts the behavior and relationship between mothers and daughters. Al-Mosaed describes a study conducted where 173 female college students were questioned about their relationships with their mothers; of the most notable information collected, married daughters reported having a better relationship with their mothers while divorced daughters cited a much more negative relationship with their mothers, and all daughters reported being devalued when compared to their brothers. It is important to note that the women who participated in this study were daughters of Saudi families, which may suggest the effects of the patriarchal society on the mother-daughter relationship. Al-Mosaed’s article was interestingly refreshing because of its focus on daughters in Saudi families; the author’s research is highly relevant to my chosen topic in that it examines what strengthens and deteriorates the relationship between mother and daughter (in the case of this study, it was suggested that the deterioration stemmed from the overwhelmingly patriarchal society in which they lived) and takes into perspective a culture not often represented in literature about communities of women. Boyd, Carol J. "Mothers and Daughters: A Discussion of Theory and Research." Journal of Marriage and Family 51.2 (1989): 291-301. JSTOR. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. In â€Å"Mothers and Daughters: A Discussion of Theory and Research†, Carol Boyd... each item with the historical happenings of each time period, with a particular interest in the feminist spectrum. Included topics of study are ‘mother blame,’ domestic expectations, maternal sacrifice, ‘feminine containment’, and more (Walters). Suzanna Walters wrote insightfully and intelligently about the various condemning ways that mothers and daughters have been viewed in popular media for more than sixty years. I found this text to be extremely helpful in that I gained knowledge in the many ways that society’s sexism was/is portrayed in various popular media outlets; the pressure laid on mothers and daughters was/is excruciating and, as displayed in many of the films, resulted in general unhappiness for women. I believe this text will prove to be extremely helpful in evaluating mother/daughter relationships as related in history and in the media.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hammersmith and Fulham During World War II Essay

Source L is an account of the memories that Barbara Walsh had whilst being evacuated. The source is useful as it highlights the differences in social class and wealth, â€Å"The bathroom had a heated towel rail which I had never seen before†. This shows us that people had a different standard of living. People also had certain expectations, † astonished that London children could eat with knives and forks as they expected us to eat with our fingers.† Her experience tells us a lot about the feelings that evacuees could have, although hers are individual to her, â€Å"I can still remember the desolate feeling I had as, one by one, the friends with whom I had made the journey disappeared with their new ‘families’.† Her own feelings, opinions and experience may be similar to the majority of evacuees. Despite being written fifty years after the event the account still holds some very detailed factual information, â€Å"My sister and I were to share the guest room, which had single beds with blue sheets and blankets.† Also through the account we learn a lot about the process of evacuation, â€Å"I carried a small bag containing a change of clothes and washing kit, also my gasmask in a brown cardboard box. Her account also highlights differences in religion â€Å"As a zealous Catholic of seven years of age I felt indignant about this state of affairs and wrote â€Å"this should be a Catholic church† in the visitor’s book in red crayon and signed my name.† People of different religions were thrown together and expected to deal with the circumstances, Jews lived with staunch Catholics etc. this was due to cause many problems. However the source is written fifty years later and some details have been forgotten, like which station the children left from. The details that the author has included are the types of things a child would remember. Due to the fact that it has been so long Barbara Walsh’s memories may have been altered, either through her own wish to view it more positively or through the influence of media publishing popular images that may have been incorporated into her own. The account also has very little factual information and is solely the memories of the author and does not accommodate the experiences of anyone else. On the basis of this I think that although the source may be reliable, despite being written fifty years later, it is not particularly useful by itself. I think that the source is reliable because it does contain a lot of detailed information. I do not, however think that it is useful because it only gives us the feelings and experiences of one person. If it were to be used as part of a few sources with other people’s experiences then it may show us something different. Both sources H and I are photographs of homes destroyed after an air raid. They show us the loss of property and lives that place during air raids. It highlights the danger faced by the ordinary civilians each night. Source J is a table giving statistical information to how many bombs were dropped and damage to life and property in a given area. From this table we can see that Hammersmith and Fulham were not that badly affected, especially on comparison to places like Poplar. Source K is a letter from an unknown resident written during 1940, it reveals the names of roads, which were bombed and names some friends caught up. It also expresses the feelings of the author. Sources H and I have limited use, as they do not give us any factual details like those in source J, although they are clear visual resources. We do not know the origin of source J and so can not be sure that the information is correct, it also doesn’t give us any emotional details to see how the public were feeling like source K does. If all the information in Source K were true then it would be the most useful of the sources. However due to gossip and misinformation the source maybe unreliable. This source pinpoints exactly where the bombs landed and what was destroyed as well as giving us an insight into the feelings of the author, we must also remember that not all people will feel the same.

Death and Life †Tuesdays with Morrie Essay

Nagel wrote: â€Å"everybody dies, but not everybody agrees about what death is.† In this chapter, Death, Nagel explains some of the beliefs people have about death. One of his points was survival after death. Nagel said that if dualism is true we can understand how life after death might be possible. Each person would consist of a soul and a body, and the soul would have to be able to leave the body and function on its own. If dualism is not true, then life after death could not exist because mental processes go in the brain which depend on the rest of the body. Nagel believes that life after death might be tangible if dualism is true. Nagel asserts that death, the most terrifying of things, is nothing to us. Since as long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes, then we do not exist. It does not then concern either the living or the dead. He explained that death can be considered a negative evil because when a person dies, their lives end. This means that there is nothing left; no love, work, food, clothing, cars or anything else. When Nagel says death has no value, positive or negative, he means to the person who has died. One’s death can clearly have value to others, negative to one’s family and friends, positive to one’s enemies or those who profit from it. Nagel also explained that anything that is bad for someone-must be bad for that person at a particular time. There is no time at which death is bad for the one who dies. Death is not bad for someone before he dies; it is not bad for her once he dies, because from that point on she no longer exists. Nagel makes a good point when he said: â€Å"the fact that all good things in life come to an end is reason for regret.† Some people want more to enjoy in their lives. Others are terrified of death, so they live in fear, not living life to the fullest. He said that it is scary to think that when a person dies, the world with go on without them and they will become nothing. PART 2 I watched the film Tuesdays with Morrie that is pertinent to Chapter 9, Death, in Nagel’s book. The movie could also relate to Chapter 10, The Meaning of Life. I read the book Tuesdays with Morrie long ago and I also recently watched the movie. Mitch Albom is the author of the book and one of the main characters in the movie. Mitch is a newspaper columnist who is dedicated to his work and himself. Mitch spent almost all of his time working which caused him to realize what was really important in his life. Since Mitch spent so much time working, his relationship with his girlfriend Janine suffered. Mitch came across his favorite college professor, Morrie, when he was watching a TV interview. Morrie was dying from Lou Gehrig disease. When Mitch seen this, he begins to feel guilty because he promised to keep in touch with Morrie after graduation, but never did. Now that Mitch knows that Morrie is sick and does not have that much time left, Mitch wants to see his beloved professor. Mitch went out to Massachusetts to visit Morrie which led to the two meeting regularly, every Tuesday. For being sick, Morrie was extremely optimistic. Morrie wanted to spend the last months of his life teaching the world about life through TV interviews. Mitch and Morrie talk about life, everything in it and death. Mitch and Morrie talk about Mitch’s brother, Peter, who has cancer. Peter does not want anyones help or sympathy because of his sickness. Mitch tries to call Peter and he does not want to talk to Mitch. Morrie tells Mitch that soon the two brothers will be able to talk about it. Mitch learns how to better himself through his Tuesdays with Morrie. Mitch learns that there is more to life then just work, how to relate with Janine and how to deal with grief and fear. Each Tuesday we notice Morrie’s health declining. At their last meeting, Morrie was bed ridden. As Mitch and Morrie hugged each other the last time, Morrie notices that Mitch is crying. After Morrie dies, Mitch tries having a conversation with Morrie, as he had wanted. Mitch feels a certain naturalness and comfort to this conversation and realizes that it happens to be Tuesday. After Morrie’s death, Mitch and his brother Peter begin to talk again. Morrie talks to Mitch about learning to accept death. One of the phrases that really stood out to me that Morrie said was â€Å"once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.† Morrie feels that people refuse to believe, or think, that they will die, which leads to not living life to the fullest extent. Most people put death in the back of their minds, thinking it will never happen to them. Like Morrie says we live life sleepwalking, never fully awake or aware which is how most people live their lives, like Mitch did. Morrie also talks about regrets; as people age and become closer to death, they start to regret more things. Like Nagel, Morrie knows that once we fully accept that we will someday die, we learn to live our lives the way we wish without any regrets. Morrie came to terms with the fact that he knew he was going to die, and he wanted to make the best of his life. Mitch seen that Morrie was very sick and began to regret that he broke his promise to stay in contact with Morrie. Although Mitch did feel guilty, he probably would not have even remembered his professor if he did not see the interview since Mitch was so caught up in himself and his work. If the circumstances were different, and Morrie was not dying, would Mitch still have went and seen Morrie or did Mitch feel rushed because Morrie’s time was running out? Mitch met with Morrie and seen the positive way that Morrie was living his last few months, even though Morrie knew he was dying. Mitch realizes that through Morrie’s death he has learned how to fully live his life. PART 3 I do believe that the information in Nagel’s book is much deeper then popular culture point of view. We all know that death is inevitable, and everyone has different opinions about it. Nagel states how a person handles death depends on their personal and/or religious beliefs. The grieving process is different for everyone; some may face the death with no problems and others sometimes never get over it. Nagel explained that people are often afraid of their own death. I thought that Nagel actually made me think about what death really is and means. Sometimes death can be hard to deal with but once we accept it, we can start living our lives the way we wish. For example, when a person with a terminal illness has a specific amount of time before their life will end, those people have the benefit of ‘making things right.’ This person can forgive those who have hurt them, say things that need to be said, spend time with loved ones or do things that they have always wanted to do, if possible. On the other hand, a person who dies suddenly does not have the opportunity to possibly right their wrongs. The person with a terminal illness has been given an advantage over the person who has a sudden death. In popular culture people view death as a grim, sad thing. Whenever we see death in the news, media or experience it ourselves, it is often considered to be tragic or a great loss. In popular culture, death is the one thing that everyone has in common. We always see celebrities in the news or media that have died. It seems as if the death of these noticed people are always big, like Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson. The death of my grandmother or grandfather would not make the news, though each death is truly a sad thing. Just as Nagel said, when someone dies the world does not stop, it keeps going. We still must learn how to cope and manage our sadness. Yes, death can be seen as a sad thing when you loose a loved one because you wish you could have more time with them. Maybe death is a sad thing because the deceased had suffered. Death can also be seen as a relief to the family of the person who had suffered, so they are no longer suffering. As Morrie and Nagel said, once a person accepts death is when we begin to live our lives the way we want to.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Personal Reflection and What You Have Learned From Field Experience

We had visit to an orphanage named Rumah Hope which located in Paramount Garden , Petaling Jaya on 2nd March. We entered the premises of the orphanage with a sense of exciting and strange, as more than 50 pairs of mischievous eyes peered at us, and we made our way to the kitchen. The event started with introduction among us . The activities followed with Goy singing two beautiful songs. His voice touched the chord of each one present in the room.It followed with fun games like ‘Ice and Water’ where all the kids as well as the team members had a gala time running around. We created various type of activities for the kids and we could feel the happiness from them. I was the photographer at the moment and of course , I took a lot of photos. By this time, everyone in the room was hungry to the core. The kids were provided with a sumptuous meal of KFC funded by the us.One important detail which could have been missed was the way the kids prayed before commencing their lunch w as a prayer which was led by a small yet sprightly Jason. The visit to the orphanage not only showed us the ugly truth about life, it also gave us something to look within ourselves , that we were blessed in our present circumstances. The experience was harsh, like a slap on the face and yet it the bright smiles on the faces of each and every child on that day did more than just lift their spirits and look at the brighter side of what we had done for the children.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Perception vs Reality

She as a married woman who has become pregnant; the only complication is the at her husband has not returned to Boston. The Puritan society believes that engaging in intimate relations with one who is not married to them is a sin. Hester has to stand on a scaffold for seven real hours and permanently wear a scarlet letter ‘A' as punishment. When she first walks out of prison, some of the older towns women shout; saying she should be branded, or even execute De (34). Hester has accepted her punishment as given by their government and church yet reject De it.She believed that what she has done was not a sin due to its loving nature and its source, t e true love of her heart (55). After the passing of time, the community's opinion of Hester slowly changes. The town begins to think of Hester more of a human, and less of a living sermon toward s Chapter 13: Another View of Hester. They realize that her stigma of her sin, the scarlet let ere, is not showing Hotel 3 that she was an ad ulterer but that she is able (108). They notice all of her char itty work that she has done without being asked.She does all of the dirty, disgusting, dishonors blew jobs that no one else wants to do because she feels as if someone should do it. Hester, though accepting the enmeshment, believes it is wrong because it was justified. The reality is that eve en though she sinned in God's eye, she did it from true love, and it inevitably happened thro ugh human nature. Hester was not alone as the one who sinned, and his identity is revealed slow y in the middle of the novel, and established greatly by chapter 12. Ironically, Hester fellow sinner is the town's most prominent Reverend, Reeve rend Timescale. Until his final sermon, in which he reveals that he is the father 0 f Pearl, no one except Hester and Chlorinating knew of his hidden guilt. The entire town Para seed and admired Timescale. At any sermon in which he says that he is the most sinful man, t hey do not question him. The pe ople look at him with pure awe and feeling that he is the greatest because he admits that he too can sin because he is human. The entire settlement of Boston bell eve that Timescale was the most righteous man they have ever met, and he was the IR only chance Of salvation so they can go to heaven if predestined.Through Damselfly's eve rigidifies facade, you can find the truth in which he hides. Timescale is not the Bible bound man everyone believes he is, he is the one who helped create the scalded elf child, Pearl. Timescale also shows his true cowardice in Chapter 1 2: The Ministers Vigil. When pearl asks Timescale, â€Å"Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, tomorrow noontide? † , Timescale responds with, â€Å"Not so, my child. Shall, indeed, stand with thy mother and thee one other day, but not tomorrow! At the great judgment day † , (102).Pear I did not admire his response, believing that he IS embarrassed to be seen with them. With Pee earl questioning him Hot el 4 so, Timescale shows his true fear of confessing his sin to the world in order to receive forgiveness from God. He shows his true hypocritical character, saying how p people should always confess their sins yet does not do so when he has sinned. Timescale is not the only individual that the people think is helpful and overall outstanding, yet is very c introductory of popular belief. Many of Boson's citizens failed to see the corruption in Roger Chlorinating w hen he first came about to Boston.Chlorinating came off as a complete stranger to almost everyone in the town, so many suspicions were not designated towards him. Roger was the e first man with medical experience which has come into Boston, and the citizens took advent age of the opportunity. The village welcomed Chlorinating with open arms and treated him as if he was already apart of the community. After a few years, Timescale becomes ill. T he entire town trusts Chlorinating so much that they ask him to watch over their beloved re veered, Timescale (80).Everyone feels ran_ACH more secure when Chi lingeringly become mess the spiritual guide for Timescale, in hopes that Chlorinating will cure his pains and help him reestablish himself as a healthy man he once was. Soon afterwards, the community becomes eerie of Chlorinating due to his p hysterical change. He looks more like an evil man, with long fingers, relating him to the Black Man, † grew to be a widely diffused opinion that the Reverend Arthur Timescale, ,was haunted either by Satan himself or Satin's emissary, in the guise of old Roger Chilling Roth. (85). There is only one person who truly knows Chlorinating for what he really is, a ND that's his wife, Hester Prone. Hester is the only person who knows Rogers true identity y as untold by him to anyone Roger Prone. Roger gives a false name from the start so the people of Boston Hotel 5 will not look at him differently because his wife sinned and had intimate relate ions with another man. While everyone assumes that Roger is indeed helping the Reverend, he I s truly torturing him.Roger tells Hester, â€Å"Even if imagine a scheme of vengeance, what could do better for my object than to let thee live,than to give thee medicines against all harm and p aril of life,so that this burning shame may still blaze upon thy bosom? † (49). Chlorinating does not care about the well being as the colony believes. The thing he wants to do is slowly tear apart Damselfly's soul layer by layer as if he was peeling the pages off of a book. Adults are not the only ones susceptible to being judged by society. Sometimes the most innocent beings, are looked upon as the most corrupt.Society often judges individuals before they even have a chance to defend the messes. Sometimes, society judges an individual before they can even walk. In The Sac role Letter, the society instantly judged Hester daughter, pearl, soon after she was born. The e town kids would throw mud at Hester and Pearl anytime they saw them, and none of them WA need to play with Pearl because she would attack them when they threatened either her mother r or herself (60). Even the towns highly appraised leaders disregard Pearl as hardly another huh an being (74).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Behaviorist Models and Methods of Terrorism Essay

Behaviorist Models and Methods of Terrorism - Essay Example Most seem to share a feature of a psychological condition known as the anti-social personality disorder or psychopathic personality disorder, which is an absence of empathy for the suffering of others – they don’t feel other people’s pain. However, they do not appear unstable or mentally ill. Someone who is mentally ill may want to commit an act of terror, but as most terrorism requires cooperating with others, this makes it less likely that a mentally ill person will actually carry out such an act because of the difficulty they have in working with others. Terror groups usually dislike or distrust those who wish to join them, who appear to be unstable. â€Å"It is very rare to find a terrorist who suffers from a clinically defined ‘personality disorder’ or who could in any other way be regarded as mentally ill or psychologically deviant† (Silke, 1998). It is not a coincidence that many terrorists come from places where peace is not the norm; places like the Middle East or Northern Ireland, where all the present generation of young people have known is regular, extreme, well-publicised violence. Violence could be the norm for such young people, whether it is on a wide scale or within a smaller community or family. It may come to be considered the normal response to achieve objectives. The process of becoming a terrorist is primarily an issue of socialization. The move from being disaffected to becoming an active terrorist is usually precipitated by a catalyst† (Silke, 2001). Most sociologists believe in nurture not nature and see terrorists as driven by political ideology and political grievances. Terrorists are often the products of overly permissive, wealthy families with whom they were in conflict, had inconsistent mothering or were isolated from others.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Accounting - Assignment Example b) If we were to compare the 2013 Income Statement with the 2013 Statement, we would find that Helen Harris Handbags had a decline in profitability of  £69127. Various reasons can be outlined for this decline in profits. Some reasons can be identified through an Income Statement others may be issues affecting the business such as increase in competition, recession in the markets etc. However, looking at the Income statement alone, we can see a sharp increase in Marketing Expenses of the year 2013, as well as a slight fall in Total Sales. Other expenses have increased as well, but marginally. As total sales have fallen, inventory has gone up. The fall total Sales might be matter of concern for the business, especially since Marketing Expenses have increased. a) The Balance Sheet of a business is used to show the â€Å"net worth† of a company at a given point of time. (e-conomic(UK), 2014). It is particularly useful in monitoring the health of the company that is what the business owes and what it is owed. The Assets and Liabilities are the two main sections in a Balance Sheet and are always equal. The Balance Sheet is divided into two parts as mentioned above, and into various sub parts which include Fixed Assets, Working Capital, Current Assets, Equity or Shareholders Stake (which includes any profit/loss and drawings) b) In the case of Helen Harris Handbags, Inventory has increased, that has been the result of fall in Sales (discussed earlier). However, a matter of concern is a huge increase in Bank Overdrafts from 2012, in 2013. This tells us that business has increased its debts considerably since last year. There is an increase in the Debtors as well. a) The purpose of the Cash Flow Statement is to evaluate the cash inflows and outflows of a business during a financial period. (e-conomic(UK), 2014). The main avenues of Cash Inflows and Outflows can be described in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Concert report(Faculty Recital - Charles Neidich, clarinet, and Jon Essay

Concert report(Faculty Recital - Charles Neidich, clarinet, and Jon Klibonoff, piano) - Essay Example The orchestra that performed his compositions was the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. The performers included Andrew Russo on the piano, James Ehnes on the violin and Edward Arron on the cello. The conductor of the orchestra was Joann Falletta. Paul Schoenfield, the composer of ‘Four Souvenirs’ includes a lot of sentimentality and emotion in his compositions and has a musically sophisticated style in the way he presents his compositions which are always filled with an infectious energy and innovative melody that is very attractive to his audiences. ‘Four Souvenirs’ by composer Schoenfield was for violin and piano and was recorded on January 8th 2007 with James Abbott as the engineer. The duration of the piece was 11:11 and it was recorded at the Setnor Hall, Syracuse, NY. Schoenfield creates captivating interest in his composition through an interplay between high and low sounds and forms of the nuances. The composer manages to maintain a good balance between popular rhythms and forms with his own originality. The first movement opens with great dynamism and vigor and gradually moves into the second movement that is more sedate and laid back when compared to the first movement and is a bit repetitive in its presentation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits Essay - 2

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits of this to a company - Essay Example The paper tells that benefits of the motivated workforce are immense because they need least supervision, efforts and guidance to get best out of them. Motivated workforce helps produce quality goods and efficient services. They learn quickly with fewer efforts on their training. They make fewer mistakes and tend to resolve conflicts quickly. Motivated workforce makes favorable impact on customers and exhibit minimal resistance to change. Away back in 1943, Abraham Maslow's theory explained about 'hierarchy of needs' of the people and that stood to the test of time during the time. A few years later, in 1960, Douglas McGregor proposed his Theory Y – opposing the Theory X, in which he acknowledged and recognized self-motivated people when given a proper environment and freedom to accomplish the given task. In fact, much of the motivational theories of later period find their roots in the Theory Y of Douglas McGregor. Financial incentives do play a role in motivating workforce t o a certain extent but not always, especially during economic downslide, managers’ hands are mostly tied to providing financial incentives and they need to develop other means that can create the motivating workforce in good and bad times. Steve Jobs, though he himself was a tough taskmaster, could inspire thousands of employees to accomplish the task with zeal and vigor. Perhaps, Steve Jobs provided most inspirational leadership to the workforce at Apple through his own commitment and dedication and ability to provide solutions to the problems. Walter Isaacson states that Jobs used to motivate employees to accomplish that at first hand appeared impossible. He states, "Jobs once pushed an engineer to accelerate a Macintosh's boot-up time, even after the employee explained why it would be impossible. In response, Jobs asked, "If it would save a person's life, could you find a way to shave 10 seconds off?" and calculated the overall time spent waiting for Macs to start up aroun d the world every year. Within a few weeks, the engineer reduced the boot-up time by 28 seconds". Thus, manager or leader’s inspirational role can do wonders in motivating employees. Nonfinancial Factors – a Key to Motivation The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) based at the UK conducted a survey to find how organizations, employees, and managers in the UK feel about the various motivating factors in current times. The survey discovers that intrinsic factors such as recognition, praise are weighed highly as motivating elements over extrinsic factors such as financial rewards, performance bonuses. Key motivating factors that emerge from the survey are better treatment by employer, praise and creating a sense of being valued by the employer. Employee value recognition, support, feedback as the important motivating factors and managers who employ these tools to reward their employees are successful in motivating their workforce for more productive outcomes.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business Organisational Behaviour - Survey Report Essay

Business Organisational Behaviour - Survey Report - Essay Example The faster the company makes decisions, the more performance oriented it gets and vice versa. But Decision making process in the contemporary business scenario is more complex than it may seem. Each decision comes fraught with its own challenges, risks and traps. The process needs optimization.. Empowerment of employees to make decisions has its own benefits in perpetuation of company culture, homogenization of ideas, reinforcement of team spirit and ethical governance, and increased social and corporate responsibility. Decision making is emerging as a key element that influences corporate strategizing in modern organizational theory and practice. The implications of decision making in an organization when studied intricately reveals that making decisions is not just about choosing a course A or course B in a given situation but impacting the overall environment of a company. Decision-making is a complex, multi-dimensional issue. While people may be sure that they expect authority, they may be less clear about what to do with it. (Gispenc & Rodgers). In this light we can view the results of the Client, Leader and Team survey and see how the results of the survey that show a mediocre rating for decision making rating by clients also have deeper ramifications on the quality of products, transparency practiced in an organization, cost measurement and services of a company. The most important cause and effect of Decision making is information availability. Information is the key input for a decision. It is also a key output. An examination of Decision-making in the Oval reveals the following. Decision making is inside the Oval and is located in the upper right hand quadrant of the Performance-Importance graph. In the Gap Analysis, Decision making falls in the upper right hand quadrant well within the acceptable levels but show a need for its further promotion. It can be seen that other related behaviors like Accountability,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How does the postmodern picture book set out to capture both the adult Essay

How does the postmodern picture book set out to capture both the adult and the child reader's interest - Essay Example By taking into account children’s literature in a record of storybook history it is likely to discern the postmodern inclination in literature and art as an act of going back to or, possibly, a rereading of the fanaticism of a Romantic perception of the relationship between an adult and reader. Postmodern thinkers, like Lyotard, question the trustworthiness of the major literatures that have governed cultural production from the time of the Enlightenment (Beckett 2001). Even though this standpoint may seem to abandon the essentialist nature of Romantic interpretations of childhood, the understood audience of postmodern picture books remains characterised in Romantic terms (Lundin 2004). The components that characterise the texts that will be discussed in this essay as postmodern may be liberating and revolutionary, but the public reading of children’s literature persists to devalue its artistic, visual and experimental value. The devaluation of writing picture books and other literature for children and its relationship with popular culture situate it in a bond with characteristics of high culture that are always challenged in postmodern theories (Thacker & Webb 2002). Moreover, the inequality of the relationship between the ‘innocent, receptive’ (ibid, p. ... nary playfulness and the inclinations of several children’s books to deconstruct require a comparison with the most revolutionary postmodern critiques of art (Moebius 2009). Questions regarding the trustworthiness of Enlightenment absolutes’ metanarratives reveal an unworkable tie between the Romantic ideas of childhood as basically naive, and the postmodern techniques that define the most stimulating current children’s literature (Whalley 2009). Although the challenges to essentialist and absolutes perspective mark postmodernism’s principles, if something quite changing can be thought to present ideologies, the strategies that define texts for children offer a more liberal reading practice that usually seems to depend on a view of children indicative of the Romantic ideas of the pre-social newborn (Browne 1999). Subversion’s components existent, specifically, in current picture books, for instance, entice children as audience to build a strong conn ection to the text and strengthen the ties between romantic disorder and postmodernism introduced by Brooker (1992). Metafictional techniques, narrative fractures, and parodic symbols which draw interest on the increasing values of literature can all be located in current picture books for children (Moebius 2009). Such elements act as a dispute to prevailing interpretations of childhood and represent an implicit audience. The array of themes which involve children and their reading practices: parents, teachers, journalists, and others, voice out an overpowering fear about the influences of present-day society on concepts of childhood as, one way or another, perfect (Goldstone 2009). The conflict in human relationships, most frequently found in the changes in family structures, and the influence of media and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

WalMart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

WalMart - Essay Example The city council in Chicago has even passed an ordinance disallowing Wal-Mart from opening within city limits. This paper argues whether Wal-Mart is a destructive force or is good for the local economy. Wal-Mart has 3,400 stores in the US and is largest employer in US second only to the Federal Government. It is the largest grocer and plans to open 100 Supercenters in the next five years. It is sheer size, growth and profitability of Wal-Mart that it is in a position to define corporate trends. It is now in a position that it can dictate and perfect the nature of discount stores. Wal-Mart has the image of a friendly, all-American company employing happy workers and smiling greeters who are eager to help and grateful to work at Wal-Mart (Bianchi & Swinney, 2004). As a globalizing force, Wal-Mart exerts influence on the regional, local and national economy. It has restructured the American workforce and consumer behavior (Lavallee & Boyer, 2006). Its basic strategies revolutionized the global retain industry and led Wal-Mart to unprecedented heights. Wal-Mart never avoids critics. On the contrary they respond actively as they did when the city council of Los Angeles proposed to ban the store from the city. Wal-Mart revealed through a study of the economic impact that average savings per family per ear would be $500 if Wal-Mart opened a store in Los Angeles (Bianchi & Swinney). Apart from this, new jobs would be created which further boosts the local economy as spending power goes up. Wal-Mart counters its critics with two words – low price. Its low price policy helps millions to buy more from their meager pay checks. They can even indulge in minor luxuries. This makes the entire economy more efficient and productive. In the micro level this translates into low prices with better product. At the macro level it means economic growth, more jobs and higher tax revenues. Wal-Mart has helped to hold down inflation in US. A McKinsey & Co. study

Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Example for Free

Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Chapter 1: Anti-virus Applications on Mobile Devices Mobile phone anti-virus software refers to security software programs which have been professionally developed to protect device users from viruses, worms, Trojans and other malicious programs and removing them where possible. Anti-virus software programs have lately gained popularity due the increased incidences of malicious threats of attack on the web. There are several new viruses that are detected on a day to day basis on the cyberspace. While some of these viruses may be harmless, others are annoying and quite destructive. Certain viruses replicate themselves, but others may cause serious problems to the extent of erasing all data on a device drive. The use of anti-virus for device protection can be applied to multiple operating systems including Mobile Windows and Android mobile phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Antivirus software works in various technical ways to give protection to and remove viruses from mobile devices. This normally occur through two security scanning functions namely On-Access Scanning and On-Demand Scanning. The On-Access scanning works in real-time to ensure a mobile device is protected at all times by monitoring for viruses to any accessing in the mobile device, for example while opening a file or opening an application. Despite of the fact that this software slows down the speed of a device, its role in antivirus protection is so critical and should thus be enabled at all times. On-Demand Scanning offers antivirus protection only when activated to scan any particular area, folder, file, or drive. The program then provides a scan report about how many viruses that have been found in the scanned item. In the event that a virus is detected, the program will notify the user and recommend an action which includes either to deleting or quarantine the virus (iSoftwareRevie ws 2010). The rapidly increasing advancements of mobile phone technology to include a number of useful features have made android and windows mobile phones very popular pocket personal computers. This increased popularity has not however come with its own setbacks. Just like the ordinary personal computers, android and windows mobile phones have also been subjected to increased viruses attack. Virus attack has therefore become the latest and single biggest threat to the mobile phone industry. Subsequently, numerous companies dealing in software have come up with anti-virus for use in the android and windows mobile phones. These are mainly anti-virus software packages developed to provide anti-virus protection to mobile phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). There are a number of anti-virus software programs for mobile phones that are available to the users. The main mobile phone anti-virus software includes AhnLab Mobile Security, Avast! PDA Edition, Avira Antivir Mobile, BitDefender Mobile Security, BullGuard Mobile Antivirus, Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite, F-Secure Mobile Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security, and Norton Smartphone Security. AhnLab Mobile Security software provides a solution for viruses and worms protection and removal. It runs under windows mobile and android mobile phones. Avast! PDA Edition is an antivirus protection for PalmOS and Windows CE, Android phones, and Pocket PC based devices (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Avira AntiVir Mobile provides professional virus and malware protection for pocket PCs, Windows mobile and Android mobile phones. BitDefender Mobile Security provides solution for virus protection and removal for PDAs and Smartphone that run on Windows mobile or Android mobile phones. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus provides solutions for protecting Pocket PCs and Windows mobile against viruses and other malicious programs. Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite is designed to provide anti-virus security solutions for pocket PCs that runs on Windows Mobile operating system. F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete mobile security software package that includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, a firewall and a remote control anti-theft feature for protection. Kaspersky Mobile Security also provides a complete protection package including Anti-theft protection, virus protection, firewall and anti-spam for SMS, EMS, and MMS. Norton Smartphone Security offers anti-virus, anti-spam, and firewall for Windows mobi le and Android mobile protection (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Protecting an android and window mobile phone from attack requires a complete understanding of all application communication. This is important because software can only protect a device if and only if it is able to read the same information as the mobile phone device, subsequently application layer threats. It may not be possible within the technological framework for antivirus software to understand application communications or analyse application behaviour through the deep inspection of intrusion prevention packets, whether on individual basis or when reassembled into their original sequence. Similarly, network-level antivirus may detect a small number of known, easily identifiable security threats by simply examining pre-programmed patterns (Citrix Systems 2006).   Installation of antivirus is the best known way of protecting android and windows mobile phones. The best types of antivirus are the application firewalls since they operate at the application layer instead of the network level. The application firewalls are able to enforce correct application behaviour while preventing any malicious activity. This is because the firewalls are able to inspect the actual internet communication and understand the context of all client requests and application responses through which they are sent to the internet. A complete mobile phone security application needs to offer full protection of all the elements of an application as well as users of the application. In most cases however, security applications for mobile phones are only limited to the application programme and application data (Citrix Systems 2006). Thesis Statement Despite web devices continuing to face significant security threats, mobile phones go completely unprotected while web browsing, downloading applications, checking e-mail, conducting online banking and connecting to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. While mobile attacks are increasing rapidly and hackers are financially motivated to steal data, identities, and intercept corporate communications, it has become critical to protect mobile devices such as android phone and Windows phones. Background of the study Smartphone security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your system. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users (also known as intruders) from accessing any part of your mobile phone system. Detection helps you to determine whether or not someone attempted to break into your system, if they were successful, and what they may have done. We use android and windows mobile for everything from banking and investing to shopping and communicating with others through email or chat programs.   Although you may not consider your communications top secret, you probably do not want strangers reading your email, using your phone to attack other systems, sending forged email from your phone, or examining personal information stored on your phone (such as financial statements). There are a variety of antivirus software packages that operate in many different ways, depending on how the vendor chose to implement their software. What they have in common, though, is that they all look for patterns in the files or memory of your Smartphone that indicate the possible presence of a known virus. Antivirus packages know what to look for through the use of virus profiles (sometimes called signatures) provided by the vendor. New viruses are discovered daily. The effectiveness of antivirus software is dependent on having the latest virus profiles installed on your Smartphone so that it can look for recently discovered viruses. It is important to keep these profiles up to date. Chapter 2: Android Phone Emulators An android mobile phone is a phone fitted with a set of software consisting of operating systems, middleware and other major applications. The main features of android include application framework for facilitating reuse and replacement of components, Dalvik virtual machine which is optimised for mobile devices, optimised graphics, an integrated browser, media tools for common audio, video and still image formats, SQLite for structured data storage, and GSM Telephony. Other features include Bluetooth, Camera, and Rich development consisting of a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling. Android technology is dependent on Linux version 2.6 to power the main system servicing including security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver models (Android Developers 2010). Android technology is made up of a multi-process system in which each application runs in its own process. A standard Linux facility is responsible for coordinating security between different applications such as user and group identifications assigned to the applications in Android mobile phone. The crux of the security applications is on the basis of the concept that no application, by default, has access to perform any operation with a potential of adversely impacting on other applications, the operating system, or the user. The applications that the Linux facility must grant permission include reading or writing the user’s private data, reading or writing another application’s file, performing network access, and keeping the device awake. The permission that an application requires is statistically declared in that application so that Linux facility can master the upfront during installation and not subject to change thereafter (Android Developers 2010). The antivirus software for mobile forms utilises various virus detection methods. The two main virus detection methods include signature based detection and behaviour based detection. Signature Based Detection makes use of virus signatures dictionary to compare the files when checking for viruses. A signature dictionary is a database containing very many virus signatures which the software manufacturer has so far found. The user is expected to continually update the virus signature directory as when new viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious programs appear. Failure to update the dictionary may lead to failure of the software to detect emerging viruses. The behaviour Based Detection is designed to monitor and control any activities in the device system for suspicious program behaviour. In the event that a suspicious behaviour is detected, the software probes further into that suspicious behaviour by applying the signature based detection to countercheck whether the activity is malicious or not. In the event that the suspicious program is malicious, an alert will be generated to notify the user. Android emulator is a virtual mobile device which runs on a phone system and allows the user to prototype, develop, and test android applications for possible malicious programs without necessarily using a physical device. This device mimics all the hardware and software features of a phone save for the fact that it cannot receive or make a call. As soon as a particular application starts to run on the emulator, it may make use of the services of the android platform to invoke other applications, access the network, and notify the user. The emulators also contain various debug capabilities like console from which the user can log kernel output, simulate application interrupts, and simulate latency effects and dropouts on the data channel (Android developers 2010). As stated earlier, android utilises a multi-process system in which each and every application runs on its own process. Since majority of the security between applications is granted at the process level, android emulators provide more detailed security features through a permission mechanism that enforces restriction on the specific operations that any particular process can perform and permission for granting ad-hoc access to specific pieces of data. While the emulators ensures that no application acts in a manner that can adversely affect another application, it is still possible for an application to encroach into the actions of another application as long as permission is forehand obtained in order to perform the foreign function not provided by the basic nucleus (Vennon 2010). The android emulators can also disallow these extraneous permissions on the basis of the certificates that were used to sign the application or by simply prompting the user. The permission that an application will require to function outside its nucleus is statistically declared by the emulators within the application and will be relayed to the Smartphone user, and the permission will not change. The android emulators consider malware to be malicious software designed to infiltrate a Smartphone system without the user’s informed consent (Vennon 2010).